Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have a bald spot on my arm! And it is pink!

While I was at at school, we got these stickers handed out to us, and that was cool because they had dinosaurs on them! So I stuck it on my arm to be funny, and a couple hours later I realized I still had it on my arm. So then, I was trying to get it off but it was completely stuck and it hurt when I pulled on it! I pulled and pulled and it remained pretty much glued to my arm. I finally just grit my teeth together and yanked it off! It removed all of the hair and upper layer of skin off with it!! So I yelled really loud and everyone looked over at me while I had a HUGE hot pink circle on my arm! Now that part of my arm is bald and sore! hahahah, only I would have to go to the nurse because I got injured while peeling a sticker off my arm!


  1. hahahaa! i was there when this happened!!!

  2. yeah but you only laughed, and tried to make things more painful while i pulled it off! pshhh. lil' cuzzes. they'll getcha some how.
